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( June 2020) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. The film starts with five college friends going to the restaurant in a car after their college last year exam. One of the friends Vicky is badly hit and injured by a car in an accident. The film then shows the entire story in the flash back. One day in the morning,Vicky is being called repeatedly by his friend Nikhil( Yash Soni) who is waiting for him in the college. Vicky was still asleep in his home and keeps bluffing Nikhil that he is on his way to college, he has taken a turn to the lane joining the college, he is parking his bike. After almost 45 minutes since Nikhil is waiting, he gets very angry and decides to abuse Vicky. Unfortunately, Vicky's father picks up the call because Vicky went to attend a doorbell. Nikhil, unaware of this, openly abuses thinking its Vicky, and cuts the call when he realised that all time he was abusing his father! Nikhil called himself "father of Vicky". Vicky's father gets very angry after the call and sarcastically asks Vicky "How many fathers do you own?". Vicky signals his mother to answer this and gets slapped hard by his father. Later, Vicky meets Nikhil and hurts him badly by hitting him with a bottle for abusing his father.

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2016 720p Adult Animation Anime Series BluRay Box office. Kali ini admin akan membagikan sebuag film yang.

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They then go to a tea vendor where they meet Naresh, who bugs both of them by his non-stop blabbering. Kamasutra Xxx torrent searched for free download.Free Download Kamasutra 3D (2015) Hindi Movie DVDRip. Loy joins both of them for the tea and later they meet Dev and Dhula. Nikhil, Vicky and Loy, all were portrayed as jolly friends, somewhat double-minded and mad for love, while Dev was shown as a decent boy. Dhula was an aggressive boy who hated people messing with him or speaking nonsense. Later, in a classroom, all of them meet Pooja and Isha. Nikhil falls for Pooja and tries to maintain a romantic relationship with her. In one scene, Isha collides with Dhula accidentally. Dhula doesn't like this, thinks she did it intentionally and pushes Isha hard, due to which she fell on the ground. Later, Dhula apologises to Isha but forcefully asks her to forgive him. In Accounts tuition, Vicky gets attracted to the tuition teacher. However, on explaining Dhula the problem five times, Dhula still doesn't understand. When she beats Dhula, he didn't like it and in turn bashes her head on the table.

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